Thursday, April 12, 2012

e-miles keeps on giving with Priority Club

I just received an invite to join e-miles for Intercontinental's Priority Club.  Nice!  One mile equals 1.5 PC points, so I'm adding up at a nice clip.  Hopefully, this will knock out a thousand points for GS13.

On the downside, it's hard keeping track of all those email addresses.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

e-rewards: Going to Hilton

After an internal battle trying to figure out what to do with my $100 in e-rewards and they are going to Hilton.  I get a pretty good bang for the buck in a program that I use, which helps even if there is no GS12.  I thought about Choice, but they can take a while and I didn't want to miss the end of the quarter.  Priority Club only gets me 4,000 points and I need 10,000 to convert, so that may go next, assuming 2Q12 is good for me.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

More e-miles today

Just remembered to do a bunch of e-miles clicks, so I'm at about 225 points there. 

Today's March 6, meaning that we're about halfway to GS12!  Six months or so to go.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Broke $100 on e-Rewards

I finally broke $100 on e-Rewards.  Now comes the hard part: where to transfer it.

I already have a ton of Hilton points, so that's an easy, if expensive hit, if I need it. 

I have no Choice points, but they're easy enough to acquire.

I have plenty of Club Carlson points.

I don't trust that La Quinta will still be a partner next year.

I also have plenty of Priority Club points.

I'm leaning toward transferring them to Choice right now, but there's plenty of time, since we're not even in the second calendar quarter.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

E-miles and E-Rewards

Don't forget to check those E-miles accounts!  I'm now up to 195 points.  Not much, but I only need 500 to get a hit next year.

I did read a report on FT of someone getting booted for having multiple accounts.  No idea what caused E-Rewards to catch on, though.  I'm up to about $86 in my account, so I'm closing in on points for another hit.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Preparing for GS12: Club Carlson now complete!

Every once in a while I get lucky.  A few months ago, I caught a promo where Club Carlson offered 9,000 points for renting a car.  They just showed up so, if CC is a partner for next year, I've got one more hit.  Keep an eye out for those car rental promos, they tend to be good ones.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

e-rewards pays: Received my $25 gift card

For a lucky few, e-Rewards offers a $25 Target gift card as one of the prizes.  Just got mine yesterday!  Hey, it's better than the equivalent hotel points.